Sunday, February 3, 2008

janufeb time capsule

Sick relative is not doing well. Trying to call, but after 3 tries over past week, still not getting through.

Patriots lost to Giants. Seemed as unavoidable after game started as it seemed impossible before game started. Skipping the first 15 to play catch with Seabass turned out to be by far the greatest part of the game.

Getting over strep throat. It's been about ten years since I've had a 103 temp, so that was fun...

I've been sitting a few minutes since I've gotten sick, which is good. Not focusing on the breath as much as I should, but I think for us westerners, sitting is a good start. It all comes back to practice. Practice makes life.


Anonymous said...

Every Friday I attend the best yoga class ever. My favorite part is the end where you just breathe and let go. The instructor's name is Julie, but it might as well be Jade. She looks like Jade and sounds like Jade. It makes me feel better about being in AZ :)

Giuseppe Jonathan Jones, CPA said...

Hey Corey! We are still lamenting the loss of our two best babysitters. I hope the feeling better about AZ parts will outnumber the feeling worse parts.

Anonymous said...

I'm slowly devising plans to make my way back to Colorado...

Thanks for the compliment, I will pass it along to Ashley :)