Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Franksgiving

Seeing as my kids don't eat food, and neither jade nor I like turkey - I mixed it up and threw together a non-traditional thanksgiving meal.

I made a hybrid roast stew. Potatoes carrots onions, herbs, stew meat. About 4 cups of chicken broth and a Guinness in a roasting pan. Broiled for an hour, baked for another 90 minutes.

I made a pumpkin pie, which never set, and a dutch apple pie - which was delicious. I made soft pretzels that were inedible, but I attempted again yesterday with a new recipe, and they came out fine.

1 comment:

Seamus Woods said...

Broiled eh? In a roasting pan? Did you broil w/ only a little liquid first, so things would brown up?

We made home-made deep fried chicken with onion rings and battered mushrooms. Very tasty. Only thing that didn't work were the cheese sticks. Next year we'll have to remember to freeze the cheese ahead of time... or pick up some liquid nitrogen at my old lab...